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The No 1. community meme token.

Buy $Wumbo Now!

$Wumbo is the No. 1 community meme token! Buy $Wumbo and join the greatest ever Bikini Bottom community.

How to Buy with Card

Click on Buy WUMBO on Flooz.Trade to save you a couple of steps and take you straight to the correct pair to buy $WUMBO. Connect your wallet and Click on Buy.

Enter the dollar amount you would like to buy of $WUMBO. Then click buy with card and now welcome to the club. I Wumbo, you Wumbo, We Wumbo!

How to buy on Quickswap

Install MetaMask, Trust Wallet, or any other crypto wallet from the App Store or Google Play and switch the mainnet to Polygon. Desktop users can install the Chrome extension from MetaMask.io.

To buy $WUMBO, you’ll need Matic in your wallet to swap. Buy Matic directly in MetaMask, transfer from another wallet, or buy on an exchange and withdraw it to your wallet.

Click on Buy WUMBO on Quickswap to save you a couple of steps and take you straight to the correct pair to buy $WUMBO. Connect your wallet and switch from "Best Trade" to Market V2

Once you have Matic in your wallet, swap your desired amount for $WUMBO. Make sure you have enough Matic left over to cover gas fees. Review the transaction details and confirm. I Wumbo, you Wumbo, We Wumbo!


Total Supply: 100,000,000,000

Liquidity Pool : 50,000,000,000

Decimals: 18

Contract address:



$WUMBO has no association with Nickelodeon or their creation SpongeBob SquarePants. This token is simply for fun and to recognize Wumbologist around the world. $WUMBO is a meme coin with no intrinsic value or expectation of financial return. There is no formal team or roadmap. The token is completely useless and for entertainment purposes only.



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Wumbo Token